Tentative timetable


You may park in any of the General Parking Lots at no cost and without a permit After 5om an Friday. Parking before 5pm is at your own risk.
You may use the Farmer's Market parking or the one at the Atlantic Superstore. .

Please check the new presentation time and date, as it might have been changed.

The building number 12 on the campus map is assigned for our event.


Business meetings:

Oral Presentations

All the oral presentations will take place on Saturday, October 14, 2023. We have 40 talks in the contributed program divided in there parallel sections. The program is available now here.

Plenary talks

Plenary talks will take place in MCDH 242, as follows:

Banquet/welcome party

A welcome party will take place immediately after the Blundon Lecture in Schurman Square.
All prizes will be presented at the banquet, that will take place on Saturday afternoon, immediately after the last presentation. The cost of the banquet is low, to allow everybody to participate -- is well worth to attend. We encourage all universities to attend the banquet, as there will be enough time to arrive almost anywhere in Atlantic Canada before 12am on Sunday.

The full conference schedule

Session I -- (MCDH 246)

Time Speaker TitleAbstract link Paper Link
Spandana Chereddy An Alignment-Free Approach to DNA Sequence Classification and Microbial Adaptation Analysis U-CS A EA
8:10--8:30 Aakanksha Khandwaha Analysis of racial and gender bias in MIMIC-IV clinical notes via natural language processing U-CS A
8:30-8:50 M. A. Agowun A Two Stream GNN for Point Cloud Classification U-CS A A
8:50-9:10 S. Wadhwa Unveiling the Potential of Ubuntu Touch OS: Privacy-Centric Features, and Private Server Integration U-CS A A
9:10-9:30 Baxter Madore A Submodelling-Based Approach to Expected Points in North American Football using Scikit-Learntd U-CS A A
9:30-9:50 Xinyi Li Saving energy for multitask soft real-time system using RL and DVFS U-CS A
9:50--10:10 Lai T Uyen Verification of Heaps' law in large language model emulated text with implications for energy-efficient query processing U-CS A
10:10--10:30 Wenwen Wang Fourier Transform-based Unsupervised Clustering of DNA Sequences U-CS A A
10:30-11 Coffe Break
11:00-12:00 Plenary Talk:The Field Lecture
1:30-1:50 Charanpreet Singh Enhancing Potato Crop Disease Detection and Classification Using Deep Learning and Robotic Imaging G-CS A
1:50--2:10 Ethan Heavey The Art of Contradiction Detection G-CS A
2:10--2:30 Riya Pandey Exploring the Genomic Signatures in a lower Dimensional Space G-CS A
2:30-2:50 Mingyue Guo A Solution to The Four-Dogs Pursuit Problem by a System of Ordinary Differential Equations and a Description of Instantaneous Position During the Process Based on the Solution U-MS A E A
2:50--3:10 Hudson X. Forance The Proper Spherically Symmetric Frame in Teleparallel Geometries U-MS A A
3:10--3:30 Timothy Power An Extension of the Solow-Swan Growth Model U-MS A
3:30-4:00 Coffe Break
4:00-5:00 Plenary Talk:The Sedgewick Lecture

Session II -- (MCDH 328)

Time Speaker Title Abstract link Paper Link
8:10-8:30 Kevin Saville The Science of Selection: Predicting NBA All-Stars Through Analytics U-MS A
8:30-8:50 Anders Cornect An Improved Algorithm for Gromovs Approximating Tree U-MS A A
8:50-9:10 Ethan Saunders Proper Circular Arc Graphs and Circular Robinson Spaces U-MS A A
9:10--9:30 Andrew Allen Andrew Allen &Reducing the T-count of quantum ${\rm C}^n$-NOT gates U-MS A A
9:30-9:50 Anson Green QFASApp: A Friendly Interface for QFASA U-MS A A
9:50-10:10 Griffin Bartlett Submission Ideas in Orlicz Spaces U-MS A
10:10-10:30 Heather MacTavish Modelling the Effectiveness of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on Influenza A & B U-MS A
10:30-11:00 Coffe Break
11:00-12:00 Plenary Talk: The Field Lecture
1:30--1:50 Erin Hughes Domination Polynomials of Graph Operations U-MS A
1:50--2:10 Ethan Saunders Misère Cricket Pitch U-MS A
2:10--2:30 Nimarjeet Bajwa All oriented paths and cycles are unimodal U-MS A
2:30-2:50 Logan Pipes Mixing Models for Domination Reconfiguration U-MS A
2:50--3:10 Samuel Sarria Hurtado Maximum Nim with a Pass using Fractional Restricions U-MS A A
3:10--3:30 Simon Maltby Investigating the Spatial Distribution of the Underlying Risk Factors for Covid-19 in Canada U-MS A
3:30-4:00 Coffe Break
4:00-5:00 Plenary Talk:The Sedgewick Lecture

Session III -- (MCDH 329)

Time Speaker Title Abstract link Paper Link
8:10-8:30 Aadesh Nunkoo Well-being of Blind or Low Vision Canadian Adolescents G-MS A
8:30-8:50 Daniel Teixeira Dualizability through 2-categories G-MS A
8:50-9:10 Saurav Neupane Causal Effect of Factors Impacting Participation in Music Education in Canadian Adolescents G-MS A
9:10-9:30 Janet Cheng Prediction models of mortality for people with cystic fibrosis G-MS A A
9:30-9:50 Éloïse Soucy Identifying Gambling Personae Through Machine Learning Algorithms G-MS A A
9:50-10:10 Louis Bu A Comparative Study on Optimization Methods for Maritime Transport Routing G-MS A A
10:10-10:30Joy Liu Spatiotemporal Models for Exploring Variability in Scallop Condition across the Bay of Fundy G-MS A
10:30-11:00 Coffe Break
11:00-12:00 Plenary Talk: The Field Lecture
1:30-1:50 Linh Dinh Quaternionic methods in exact synthesis G-MS A A
1:50--2:10 Jingyu Li Exploring the Impact of Bubble Strategies on the Spread of Infectious Diseases A A
2:10--2:30 Dylan Pearson Modelling Virus Containment with Self-disseminating Vaccines on n-Dimensional Grids G-MS A
2:30-2:50 Claire Cui Copula Mixture Regression Models for Multivariate Response Data G-MS A A
2:50--3:10 Scott Wesley Visualizing Qudit Controls With Sheets G-MS A A
2:10--3:30 Ethan O'Connell Validation of Earth System Models G-MS A
3:30-4:00 Coffe Break
4:00-5:00 Plenary Talk:The Sedgewick Lecture