
We invite abstract submissions from undergraduate students of Atlantic Canadian universities for oral presentations. We encourage submissions from all areas of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Accepted abstracts will be presented at MSCS 2023 and published in the Science Atlantic MSCS 2023 conference proceedings/booklet.

  1. We will accept all undergraduate submissions per the SA MSCS Conference policy.
  2. We will accept all graduate submissions per the SA MSCS Conference policy if there is enough room in the conference schedule.

Undergraduate Abstract Submissions

Only abstracts are required. However, the judges may use the full papers or extended abstracts to rank the presentations. The abstract is limited to 2300 characters in the submission form.
Extended abstract submissions/full papers are optional and must be written in LaTeX/Microsoft Word/Open Office Writer at most four(4) pages long, bibliography included. If the authors believe that more details are essential to substantiate their claims, they may include a clearly marked appendix that judges will read at their discretion.

Graduate extended abstract submissions

MSCS 2023 will offer a parallel session for graduate students. Only abstracts are required. The full papers or extended abstracts may be used by the judges to rank the papers or, in case of a flood of submissions by the organizers, to select accepted papers. Extended abstract submissions/full papers are optional, and they must be written in LaTeX/Microsoft Word/Open Office Writer, at most eight(8) pages long, bibliography included.

Authors should submit their contributions using the form provided.

Only electronic submissions of sources(tex, txt, doc, docx) are possible. If you want to submit the accompanying PDF file, you will submit a zip/tgz/tar.gz file containing all your files.

In case of difficulties, student talks (abstracts) can be registered by a faculty member or SA representative (or designate) of the respective university by email to . However, filling out the abstract submission form here is the preferred registration method. Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long (with 5 minutes between each presentation for questions and setup of the next speaker).


All papers from the conference will be included in a booklet available for download at the time of the conference.


Mathematics and Statistics

  1. For the best papers Undergraduate Research awards:
    1. 1st place: Logan Pipes (MtA)
    2. 2nd place: Timothy Power (Dal)
    3. 3rd place: Ethan Saunders (Dal)
  2. For the best papers Graduate Research awards:
    1. 1st place: Louis Bu (Dalhousie)
    2. 2nd place: Dylan Pearson (Dal)
    3. 3rd place: Joy Liu (Dal)
  3. For the best paper communication award(Mathematics and Statistics):

Computer Science

  1. For the best papers Undergraduate Research awards:
    1. 1st place: Aakanksha Khandwaha (Mount Allison)
    2. 2nd place: Lai T Uyen (UPEI)
    3. 3rd place: Shivam Wadhwa (UPEI)
  2. For the best papers Graduate Research awards:
    1. 1st place: Ethan Heavey (St. Francis Xavier)
    2. 2nd place: Charanpreet Singh (UPEI)
    3. 3rd place: Riya Pandey (UPEI)
  3. For the best paper communication award(Computer Science):