- Cezar Câmpeanu, Yuan Gao, Xu Han, Lila Kari, Andrei Paun, Rui
Zhou, The New Grail+, Software Demo, CIAA 2012.
- Cezar Câmpeanu, Rui Zhou, A New Software Package: MiniGrail,
Software Demo, CIAA 2012.
- Cezar Câmpeanu, Seyed Pooria Madani Kochak, LISA: a new
programming language for finite automata and other formal language
objects, Software Demo, CIAA 2012.
- Cezar Câmpeanu, Meetings with Solomon Marcus, Spandugino Eds,
Romania, 2010, p407.
- Cezar Câmpeanu, A Balanced Approach, Moisil's Centennial. 50
years of
Computer Science in Romania, January 2008.
- Cezar Câmpeanu, Kai Salomaa, and Sheng Yu,
State Complexity of Regular
Languages: Finite versus Infinite.
Finite VS Infinite, Contributions to an Eternal Dilemma,
in C. Calude and Gh. Paun eds, Springer Verlag, 2000.
- Cezar Câmpeanu, Topological Methods
in Computational Complexity,
Abstract of the Ph.D.Thesis, EATCS Bull. 56, 296 -
297, 1995.