Computer Science 361
September 2007

Lecture Notes

  1. Introduction and PRELIMINARIES
  2. The Growth of Functions
  3. Recurrences
  4. Fundamental Data Structures
  5. Lists
  6. Graphs
  7. Trees
  8. Priority Queues
  9. Bubble Sort
  10. Brute Force
  11. Divide and Conquer Technique
  12. Topological Sort
  13. Decrease and Conquer
  14. Transform and Conquer
  15. Space and Time Tradeoffs
  16. Heaps and Heap Sort
  17. Greedy Programming Technique
  18. Huffman Encoding
  19. Minimum Spanning Trees
  20. Single Source Shortest Path
  21. Union of disjoint sets and finding the partition
  22. Fractional Knapsack
  23. Dynamic Programming
  24. Iterative Improvement
  25. Limitations of Algorithms
  26. Cheat Sheet PS PDF
  27. Note

Last modified:Thursday December 25, 2014 at 05:34 pm
Cezar Câmpeanu